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Energy One Limited

+44 (0)845 838 6848

Energy One (UK/EU), 4th Floor, Radcliffe House, Blenheim Court, Solihull, B91 2AA, GB

Energy One is a global supplier of energy trading software products and operational services to wholesale energy, environmental and carbon trading markets.

Listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX:EOL) since 2007, but with more than 15 years of market experience, the Energy One Group of companies has a successful track record of providing sophisticated, practical solutions and services to Australasian and European companies operating in the fast-paced 24/7 wholesale energy marketplace.

The Energy One Group is the largest supplier of 24/7 operational energy services in Australia and the second largest in Europe. Its software can be combined with its premium 24/7 service offering, enabling the seamless and successful entry of renewable energy into international electricity markets.

Energy One’s suite of software products includes ETRM, process automation, automated bidding/nominations and algorithmic trading. In addition to software, Energy One provides services to operate their software and manage the operation of renewable assets on behalf of customers.
Energy One’s clients include energy retailers, generators, users, customers and traders ranging from start–ups to multi-national organisations. Its suite of products and services offer proven market solutions for European, UK and Asia-Pacific energy participants, enabling the management of their entire wholesale energy portfolio.

Energy One’s market operations services provide a 24/7 ‘follow-the-sun’ approach, where experienced and dedicated teams work together and act on behalf of customers across the world in scheduling and nominations for day–ahead and intra-day markets. Energy One’s team of industry experts specialise in each of the relevant technical areas and its network of local offices means that it can provide local support to its customers.

Over the last five years, several companies have joined the Energy One Group. These include Contigo Software Limited in the UK, eZ-nergy in France, EGSSIS in Belgium and CQ Energy in Australia. Contigo, eZ-nergy and EGSSIS now operate under the Energy One brand. In Australia, the CQ Energy brand is a strong, respected provider of consulting, broking and trading services.